Shaping your future,
one career step at a time.

Let's work together to develop the skills
and strategy you need to land your first
job so you can build the future you desire.

Let's work together to develop the skills and strategy you need to land your first job so you can build the future you desire.


We guide you through your job search process so you can build a career you love.


Designing ways to help your company attract and retain top talent.

Dream Big and Plan Well

At Lime Rock Career Co, we help candidates who are entering the job market find clarity on a career that fulfills their purpose by building the skills they need to achieve gainful employment doing what they love. 

Our job is to help define what success looks like for you and identify what you bring to the table. With 25+ years of Human Resource experience, we’ll work together to ensure that you navigate your career search with solid direction, stand out amongst your competitors, land the interview, and walk away saying “I got the job!”

Learn more about our career guidance and support services here!